The Best Practices suggestions list was compiled from volunteers who participate in Behind the Walls meetings. Please be aware that specific policies may vary by institution, and that the institution's rules take precedence over any suggestion or guidelines given by the Behind the Walls project.
Please familiarize yourself with the Florida Department of Corrections Volunteer Training Manual prior to bringing a meeting Behind the Walls.
Always ensure that you have and know your Florida Department of Corrections PIN and that you also have been cleared to be on the gate list for the specific institution before attempting to bring in a Behind the Walls meeting. Please contact the Corrections Coordinator if you are not sure.
Please be aware of and follow all dress code standards. Dress code requires shoes, shirt, and long pants (no shorts).
Only bring your drivers license and your car key (not all your keys) with you when attempting to visit the institution for a Behind the Walls meeting. Remember that you may be searched and/or need to go through a metal detector, so please do not bring anything inappropriate. No cash or specific items for incarcerated addicts may be carried in. No photos or photo taking equipment may be carried in.
Always ensure that the training required by the institution and the Florida Department of Corrections is current. This specifically means any special orientation required by the institution along with PREA.
Just because you have a criminal history does not mean you will be denied in carrying the message. Department Procedure 503.004 states that applicants with a previous prison history are not eligible to serve as a volunteer until a minimum of one (1) year has passed since release from a Department facility or any other county, state, or federal correctional agency. A volunteer applicant who is an offender with long-term supervision is not eligible for a minimum of one (1) year of successful post-release supervision is complete. Any offender or ex-offender with current pending charges, warrants, or detainers is not eligible to serve as a volunteer.